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JapanUnited StatesAustraliaTaiwanDec 28, 2020

Global Initiatives: Newborn Screening for SMA

Newborn screening for SMA is not just being implemented in pilot studies and for consideration by national screening committees in Europe. Here is a selection of publications and advocacy efforts from our colleagues around the globe. For European activities, see the Map.

BelgiumDec 12, 2020

Newborn Screening in Belgium

The Belgian pilot programme for newborn screening in SMA is called Sun May Arise on SMA. Sun May Arise on SMA offers a 3-year neonatal screening programme in Wallonia, Belgium, and is currently in its final year.

EuropeNov 30, 2020

SMA: Test at birth, save a life

On 31 August 2020, the last day of SMA Awareness Month, SMA Europe is proud to announce the launch of a new European Alliance for Newborn Screening (NBS) in Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA).